My name is Karla Dingle
I am an Improviser, Actor, Teaching Artist and more. Located in Charlotte, NC in the United States. I have been a guest instructor at the Improv Fest Ireland, Vintage Improv Festival in Boston, Highwire Improv in Baltimore, The Improv Boost in England, and Improv 502 in Louisville, Most recently, Karla was selected as a 2023 Theater IDA Artist in Residency in Zurich, Switzerland. ​
I focus on the intersection between acting and improvisation, and on using traditional acting tools and techniques to enhance the skills and performances in both actors and improvisers. I have a new found passions for dramatic and theatrical improv as well as intimacy on stage and how that creates dynamic relationships between two characters
I am available to travel for bookings throughout the US and the World and would love to teach for your community or festival.

As a travelling Teaching Artist and Performer, I can provide the following for your community.

I have a menu of workshops that are ready to present including a few popular ones like Game of the Relationship, Why, Touch Me, Secrets & Lies and I Want, I Need, I Feel. I also have skills workshops that include editing, walk-ons, making your scene partner shine & more. I am happy to collaborate & create bespoke workshops for your theater or festival.

Some skills and learnings need more time. I can provide intensive ranging anywhere from 1 day to 1 week, whatever meets your community needs. I have taught several intensives including Intersection: Improv & Acting, Dramatic Improv, Narrative Improv - Creating a One Act Play, Building Ensemble, Heart & Tummy - Getting in Touch with your Emotions.

I have a unique array of forms that I have created or worked extensively including The Neighborhood, Close Quarters, Film Noir, Answer the Phone, Before & After, Improvised Bachelor, Improvised Law & Order, Improvised Shark Tank, Improvised Murder Mystery and More. I also love working with a ensemble to create a form that shows off their strengths and passions.

Coaching is one of my favorite things about improv. I enjoy watching teams grow and challenge each other to be more connective, to listen better and to constantly focus on supporting each other. My coaching sessions are about having an extra set of eyes to point out play patterns and push teams to evolve. I currently coach 9 teams with improvisers from age 9 to 70+.